The logical extension...


The Digital Magazine

A digital version of a magazine provides us with an amazing opportunity to set the stage for a 21st century cross-media experience. Especially as an extension to a printed magazine, the opportunities of integrating multi-media content are almost endless. When highly interactive, it is engaging the reader even on the meta layers of perception, it involves the audience in a way not possible with the printed copy. Digital magazines are still not accepted to a scale where for building identity and awareness it would be the first choice.

But it´s coming, and at Wildner+Media we are ready when it finally get´s here.


Social Media

The well established social-media platforms and channels of communication are an effective extension to an existing core product, they can enhance the experience and add value for the audience. This needs effective community management and the creation of targeted added-value content which does not come without effort. But we have the tools to build communities and to nurture them. And we always follow an integrated approach when setting the social media stage for a core product.